Friday, February 11, 2011

Writing from the Heart

I always struggle when it gets close to Valentine's Day with the decision about what to do for my husband for that holiday.  I tell him I love him every day, and I try my best to show him every day, but apparently we're all supposed to do something special for Valentine's Day. We have long since passed the point where I could buy anything that would express my feelings and appreciation for him. So, I remember what my mother always used to tell me when I was a girl about gift giving occasions.  She would say, "Why don't you write him/her a poem?"

My mother supported my writing efforts from a very young age.  She encouraged me to write poems and essays for just about every occasion.  I'd write a poem for Thanksgiving, and she would schedule a reading for just before or after dinner.  I remember her beaming with pride as I would read my creations.  It was, without question, a gift for her, regardless of the intended audience.

Well, I'm not going to write my husband a poem (my poetry writing these days is limited to haiku and experimental pieces that are just for me), but I suppose a love letter would be in order for this special holiday.  But here's the challenge - putting years' worth of emotion and shared experiences into a single letter.  And it can't be too long.  My husband's eyes will start glazing over after a few paragraphs, no matter how inspirational the prose. 

I'm going to take the advice I give to others. I'm going to think about the last year and what we've been though (and it has been a lot), and then I'm going to write from the heart. 

I want to tell him what a difference it made to have a real partner as we walked through the difficult times with our oldest son - a partner who loves him as much as I do and who celebrates like I do that he has come through on the other side of those difficulties.

I want to tell him how much he inspires me with his kindness and selflessness. I am in awe at how he'll drop everything to help someone in need, usually with enthusiasm, too.

I want to tell him that I know I move through life fast and that it doesn't always seem like I notice or appreciate everything he does to make out home life comfortable, but I do.

I want to tell him that I can't look at our children each day without feeling a profound sense of gratitude that he chose me 23 years ago and that our love played a role in creating these two remarkable and talented young men.

I want to tell him that I can't imagine my life without him in it.

Oh yeah, and I love him, too.


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