Thursday, June 2, 2011

There Is No Summer

I work with a lot of schools, and this is the time of year when I start to hear things like, "What are your plans for the summer?" and "Only one more week until summer vacation," and "I'll bet you're looking forward to summer, aren't you?" I always smile sweetly and do my best to share their enthusiasm about the upcoming summer months.

However, the truth is that, for me, there is no summer.

Well, the season rolls around and the weather gets warmer.  My family schedule changes because my little one is not in school for a couple of months. My tomato plants start to yield the best tasting garden tomatoes in the entire world. But in terms of my work life, there is no summer.

I will continue to get up every morning and go into my office, sit at my desk and write. There will still be data to analyze and reports to write and, this year, we are sure to have several large grants to write over the summer as well.

I might actually leave early or even play hookie a few days here and there to go see the Giants play. I'll probably see a few more movies than normal. That's about it.

I can still remember my glorious teaching days when I had a two and half month break during the summer. Ahhh, those were the days.  Even as a school administrator, I had 3-4 weeks of vacation every summer and it was fantastic!  I, too, made the casual assumption that everyone else was just as fortunate as I was. Sometimes I'd wonder why people would scowl at me when I'd say in my particularly perky tone, "It's almost summer!"

Now I know why.

For many people, there is no summer.


Read more A Writer's Journey.

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