Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How many of these soon-to-be-extinct technologies do you use?

I just read an article online, 11 Technologies in Danger of Going Extinct. I wasn't surprised to see some things, like film projectors, on the list, but I was a little surprised that some of the tools I use every day are on the list, too.

Here are my thoughts on some of them:

Fax machines - When fax machines became more and more common a decade or two ago (yes, I have reached that age when time just starts running together), I was amazed at how you could get an exact reproduction transmitted over a phone line. I still don't understand it and think it's something of a miracle, but I have noticed that I use the fax machine less and less. In fact, when someone says they are going to fax me something these days, my first thought is, "Can't you just scan it and email it to me?"

Landline Phones - I have been hearing for a long time that people are replacing their landlines with their cellphones, but I just can't seem to let go of it.  The truth is, though, that I use my cell phone even when I am at home. Our landline is used by phone solicitors and bill collectors, neither or which I am excited about talking with. I need to take the big leap like others and cut it loose, but I am tethered by a sense of nostalgia and security.

Beepers - When I saw beepers on the list I thought, "Does anybody still use a beeper?"  Apparently, they do.  I remember the beeper I had before the cell phone days.  I would get a beep, and I'd have to pull over and find a pay phone. I'd get annoyed when it was the office calling with a message that clearly could have waited, but I'll admit that I felt a little bit important and special when I got my first pager. I don't have the same feeling with the cell phone, but I would take the cell phone over the pager/beeper any day.

DVD players - Techies think that regular DVD players will be replaced by Blu-Ray.  I don't.  I think the wave of the future is instant download and DVRs. Like my landline phone, I haven't used my DVD player in a long time, but I can't seem to let it go.

E-Book Readers - First, I have to tell you that I love my Kindle.  I really do.  But you know what I use more than my Kindle? The Kindle app on my iPhone. Yes, it's tiny, but I can read anything I want, anytime.  It's always with me, and I love the feature that shows me what other people have highlighted in the book I'm reading.  So, maybe e-book readers are on the way out because other devices like the iPhone and iPad do so much more. I think I'll keep my Kindle, though.  You never really get over your first love, do you?

Plasma TVs - Ok, I get a little embarrassed when I realize that something I haven't even upgraded to yet is about to become obsolete.  Apparently, LCD TVs are all the rage now and plasma TVs are already old news. I'm still content with my huge, big screen rear projection TV.  Go ahead and laugh. When I watch the Giants game on TV, I get a life size Barry Zito in my living room. You just can't beat that.

Cell Phone Chargers - Apparently, these are on the way out because of the charger pads that are becoming more and more popular.  Frankly, I will be glad to see something universal replace all the different chargers and cables that make my life a techie hell and that fill up a big box in the closet. However, I marvel at those little pads like I used to marvel at fax machines.  How is it possible to put any little device on that pad and charge the battery without plugging it in? And how it is possible to do it without emitting some level of baby-deforming radiation or electromagnetic pulse into the air? I knew I should have paid more attention in science class.

The Computer Mouse - Oh man! I just got proficient at using all the different types of computer mice (mouses? mice?) and now they will all be obsolete soon? I am a big fan of the touch screen, though, and I think that's the way to go.

I think they left some things off the list......

Computer keyboards - With voice recognition software getting better and better, I think keyboards will be used less and less.  I don't think they'll be completely obsolete anytime soon, but they are already being used less and less.

Cameras that use film - Yes, people still use them  In fact, mu husband is still a big fan of the disposable camera (although he's starting to use the digital camera in his iPhone more and more).

PDAs that are just PDAs - Remember when you carried a PDA and a cell phone? Doesn't that seem silly now? You can still buy a plain old PDA, but why?

I'm sure I could think of more if I try.

Technology is an amazing thing. It makes a huge difference in our lives (in good and not-so-good ways), but it changes - like everything does.

I like to focus my life on those things that never become obsolete - the love of family and friends, a good read, hard work, prayer, service to others, a positive attitude....... They never go out of style.


Read more A Writer's Journey.

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